About Us

Hearth of Mercy is a resource for students of the spiritual path, A Course in Miracles.  

If you are trying to figure out the Course, these writings are designed to be a gateway to understanding.  

Our goal is to draw out the broader meaning of the teaching.  Currently we offer a starter kit of brief articles for those interested in coming to know the Course.  

We also write commentaries for the Text and Workbook.  These commentaries are shared with our Study/Practice Support Group and guide our weekly discussions.  

The hearth

The image of the hearth comes the Workbook.  There, it represents a transformed world.  The Course teaches that the world we are seeing now becomes transformed by acts of love and mercy until it becomes a world “made holy by forgiveness” (W-158.6:2, W-159.5:1).  

In the tradition that nurtured Jesus, this idea is thought of as the prophet’s vision – a world where “God will be our glory, and our days of mourning shall be ended.”  The Course calls it seeing God’s holy world, or the real world.  This transformed world is there for us to see now if we but open our eyes. 

This transformation is what inspires us.  A learning community can be a microcosm of that transformed world.  As we find inner peace and lift the veil of ignorance that clouds our thinking, we heal and join with others in ushering in this new world – a place of harmony and perfect equality.  Not the darkened world we see now.   

The hearth is a symbol of radical inclusion.  All are welcome, no one is turned away (W-159.7:4).  The door is always open and “no one is denied his least request or his most urgent need” (W-159.6:4). 

Those entering from the “bitter winter and freezing cold” (T-26.IX.6.5)  find a place of “warmth and welcome calling from beyond the doorway, bidding us to enter in and make ourselves at home where we belong” (W-122.5.6).